Transamerican Railway or Bioceanic Railway Corridor

The proposal with the implementation of the Transamerican Railroad or Bioceanic Railway Corridor is to integrate the economies of Brazil and Bolivia passing through Mato Grosso do Sul State (Brasil).
Transamerican Railway or Bioceanic Railway Corridor
The proposal with the implementation of the Transamerican Railroad or Bioceanic Railway Corridor is to integrate the economies of Brazil and Bolivia passing through Mato Grosso do Sul State (Brasil).
The project of the Transamerican Railway or Bioceanic Railway Corridor has advanced in the negotiations. The executive director of the railway, Daniel Rossi, pointed out that “The first phase, which runs from the Port of Santos (Brasil) to Santa Cruz de La Sierra (Bolivia), is in the stage of attracting investments.”
The Pacific Ocean is the fastest route for international cargo trade from South America, since only 18,651 km separate the port of Ilo, in Peru, from Asia. On the other hand, starting from the port of Santos in southern Argentina, 22,616 km are traveled and, via Central America, 25,918 km. The operation will strengthen the role that the city of Corumbá-MS (Brasil) exercises in the logistics of international trade via Bolivia, connecting the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. “We are in the center of South America and we have this potential to be explored, with real gains for the city and for Brazil’s competitiveness,” he said.
On 03/23/2018, the railway was one of the main topics of the seminar “Central Brazil: Transposing Barriers and Expanding Borders”, held in Brasilia. The project was presented by the Secretary General of External Relations of Itamaraty, Marcos Bezerra Abbott Galvão, to the governors of states of Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Rondônia, Maranhão, Goiás and Federal District: “The federal government is taking measures to guarantee the country’s competitiveness in foreign trade and conditions to improve the flow of production, such as the Transamerican Railway or Bioceanic Railway Corridor that will connect the Port from Santos to the north of Chile, passing through the Peruvian territory “.
The project must advance another stage on 03/28/2018 with the signing of the technical cooperation protocol between Brazil and Germany to operate the Transamerican Railway or Bioceanic Railway Corridor, which connects the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic, from Ilo, in Peru, to the Port of Santos, in Brazil. In Mato Grosso do Sul, the railway will pass through the cities of Corumbá, Campo Grande, Ponta Porã and Três Lagoas.
The project is defended by companies in the rail transport sector, with interest in operating and connecting the West Mesh to the Eastern Railway in Bolivia and its possible connection with the Andean Railway, linked to the ports of the Pacific Ocean. In Brazil, there are two contracts that keep the West Mesh active, being one operated in Corumbá, with the transport of iron ore from the Vale to Porto Esperança.
In the evaluation of Secretary Jaime Verruck, “the inclusion of the Transamerican Railroad or Bioceanic Railway Corridor in the strategic and priority pattern of the federal government benefits Mato Grosso do Sul directly. We are seeing the origin of a railway corridor of regional integration, a new route of integration in the continent. ”
The signature will be between the Brazilian and German Ministries of Transportation to specify the sleepers and locomotives needed to operate on the existing rail network. After this stage it will be possible to define the value to be captured with investors to make the railway feasible.
The Government of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul tries to include the recovery of the mesh in the Investment Partnerships Program (PPI) to ensure that part of the R$ 6 billion that the Deutsche Bank has to finance works in Brazil may be destined to this project. The initial value foreseen by the group of international investors (between Chinese and German groups) to recover the rail network is R$ 1,800 billion.
Secretary Eduardo Riedel, who acts as administrative advisor to the Central Brazil Consortium, noted that, until 2028, the region should be recognized with the highest sustainable development index in South America. “We want to expand the integration with the international market. We recognize the productive vocations of the region and we are working on different fronts to guarantee the sustainability of this model, “he said.
Transamerican Railway or Bioceanic Railway Corridor, a new way for Brazil and Latin America.
Source: opantaneiro