Country of origin, country of acquisition and shipping country
Country of origin, country of acquisition and shipping country.
The country of origin is defined as the country where the goods were actually manufactured and/or produced, or where the last substantial transformation occurred, regardless of where it was purchased or from where it was exported.
The country of acquisition is considered the country where the goods were when acquired by importer to be exported, regardless of their country of origin and their materials or raw materials.
And shipping country is where the merchandise was at the time of its acquisition and from where it left to the final destination, regardless of the country of origin or the final point of shipment. Shipping country of the goods: It’s considered the country where the goods were on the moment of their acquisition.
In short, the country of origin is where the merchandise was manufactured, the country of acquisition is where the goods were purchased and the shipping country is where the goods went to their destination independent of the point of shipment.
1) A good acquired from a trading company (issuer of the commercial invoice) based in Switzerland, having as the country of origin and the shipping country informed in the commercial invoice Ukraine. For this same commercial transaction, the port of Gdansk in Poland is the port of shipment.
In this example, we have:
– Country of origin: Ukraine
– Country of acquisition: Switzerland
– Shippping country: Ukraine
2) A good manufactured in China (information contained in the commercial invoice or the good itself) and from the United States, purchased from a company (issuer of the commercial invoice) based in the Cayman Islands, whose port of of Baltimore, in the United States.
In this example, we have:
– Country of Origin: China
– Country of acquisition: Cayman Islands
– Shipping country: United States
Country of origin, country of acquisition and shipping country.
Intradebook maintains a B2B platform for doing international business that facilitates the understanding of these and other information.
Source: Jefferson Nascimento and Intradebook – Image: Reader´s Digest